I think today is Sunday?
Hi Carla...just sitting here doing nothing but playing on PC...have a sink full of dishes that seems to be MY job all the time GRRRRRR used be we shared the chore...not anymore I guess!!! SIGHS........So guess when I am done posting here I will do the dam dishes!!
Went to the Oktoberfest again yesterday. Not many people there for it being the last day. Maybe they were waiting for the bands to start? But seems the bands WERE playing when we were there...my opinion the Oktoberfest sucked this year!!! Rick wanted to go back to do the bungee jumper thing again then he chickened out. WTH??? Had the camera and everything so I could take GOOD pictures!!!! ASS!!! So we walked around and ended up buying a slab of ribs and brought them home to eat...OMG were they ever good!!!
Nothing planned for today that I know of...NASCAR and FOOTBALL. RELAXING. That's it. And calling my mom.
Weather here is unreal!!! HOT for this time of year!! LOTS of BEES also!!
Carla you take it easy and rest up!! Worried about you!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good afternoon Carla and everyone....
Carla.....sounds like a quiet day for you for a change.
Judy...sorry I couldn't talk last night...probably can't tonight either....this is not good! Please know this has nothing to do with you. I am just not talking. I am just worn down. Sorry you didn't have any fun at your festival. The ribs were pretty good I am sure!!!
Nothing happening here....slept off and on yesterday...doing the same today. I didn't even get ready and go down to lunch today. I had no energy. This depression has a wicked hold on me. I will call my therapist tomorrow.
Wishing you all a good day!!
Prayers for our beautiful OFF Family!
Vickie...I am keeping the love, hugs and prayers coming your way.
Lots of love and bunches of hugs to all...connie d
Vickie...you know how much I love you too!!!
Thanks for the prayers. Compared to Butch and all you two are dealing with I shouldn't be complaining about anything. I feel ashamed. Depression is nothing compared to CANCER. My prayers are always with you and Butch.
Thanks for always caring about me.
Loads of love and oodles of hugs too....connie d
Good Afternoon Carla and OFF,
Carla, if I lived in Florida, I'd probably be at the beach everyday, watching football on my iPhone.
Judy, my dishes have to wait for me to get my butt in the kitchen, empty the dishwasher, and reload it. Then, I have to decide whether I'm going to do all the pots and pans while there, or soak them for later, which could be hours, or days later. Utley refuses to help me, except to lick the scraps, if I let him. LOL
I had a good morning at church. I didn't have to go in either Nursery, but chose to go in Infants, to keep my friend, Kim company. We got another addition. Colleen's two month old niece came in for the first time. Jenn, her Mom, is nursing, but wanted to let us have her, coz she's coming back next week to teach the Toddlers every other week. Yay. Then, I took a container of turkey soup over to Colleen's. While there, Lincoln, Frankie and I played Hungry Hungry Hippos. Couldn't stay long, coz Colleen was putting lunch on the table. When I got home, I grabbed some lunch, and put the Lions/Jets game on. Not sure who I want to root for. I'm in Lions country, and Trent is a fan of theirs. But, before anyone thinks I'm nuts, I am a Michael Vick fan. For three reasons. One: He did his time. He went to prison, and served his sentence. The rapists and wife beaters in the NFL seem to not have to. Second: Because of my past problems, I believe in redemption and second chances. Third: He's a great player. If he didn't get so many concussions playing in Philly, he'd probably still be there.
My Eagles are in San Francisco, so they're supposed to be on here later.
Well, we have gorgeous weather here. Not sure if I should try aanother walk with Utley. My allergies seem to be iffy today.
Love and prayers for all.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello sistas!
Bringing up the rear tonight, but we've had such a good day! We finally got ahold of the Realtor and we did go tour that old house. Holy Moly! It surely does need a LOT of work. But it surely does have some grand old bones and so much charm. We are intrigued. We told the Realtor that we had to be in Houston all next week, but then we would see about getting a contractor to meet us out there and go over all the things that would need to be done. It needs to be leveled, a new roof, all new wiring and plumbing, and that's not touching all the cosmetic work that would need to be done: painting, flooring, etc.
On the other hand, we don't need to live there yet. We could move our RV over there and just go back and forth to oversee the work and play on the farm. We're perfectly fine living right here for now. So we'll see . . .
I will say this: my husband is very excited about the whole thing. And I think it is exactly what he needs right now. A big project with lots of interesting problems to tackle and solve. He needs something to pull him forward. Something to excite him and engage his interest and give him something to live for. And let's face it, I would love to restore a 1900 Victorian mansion as well. I love research. I love shopping. I love decorating. I love furniture. I love old houses!
We're trying hard not to get ahead of ourselves. We have to get some hard facts and figures before we commit to restore that grand old gal. But geez, would it ever be fun to do!
Anyway, when we left the farm, we drove to Christie's house. OMGosh! Budder is walking!!! We just all cheered and clapped for him every time he took a few steps. He got so excited, he would just plop his little butt down and cheer and clap along with us! LOL!
We took the family out to eat at Butch's favorite restaurant called The Antler. Yes, you got it. Lots and lots of antlers and stuffed trophies all over the walls there. Benny loves it. We hunt for and find the deer, the moose, the elk, the fox, the bobcat, the fish, etc. And they have a lovely play yard out under the live oaks for the kids. So we had a nice meal and then let the boys play on the slides and swings and things for awhile until it got dark. Such a nice family time together.
Well, tomorrow morning I have to get up and pack us up for another week in Houston. We don't have to be at MDA until 3:30 for his radiation, so it will be a non-stressful trip for us in the morning. I can't say I'm looking forward to being at Sandy and Karen's with all the dogs again, but it's only for four nights. We will make it work.
I did post my blog about MDA in several places this morning (here, carepages, FB) and oh my goodness! I was overwhelmed by the response! All I did was write some of the thoughts I've been having over the past several weeks, but apparently I struck a chord. So I'm glad I was able to express some of what I have learned on this journey. Maybe it will help someone else who has to travel the same path one day.
Love you all!
HI Vickie....have safe travels on your way to Houston/MDA. I pray all goes well!!
That house sounds so wonderful. That is something I have always want too!! I love those beautiful homes!!!
I am glad you stopped at Christie's and had time with them and your precious grandsons!! Little Budder Bean walking....oh my time sure has flown by! Benny is getting so tall and looks so handsome!!! Budder is going to be a big guy when he grows up. He changes so much on every picture I see of him. He still has that baby cuteness!!! They sure are treasures!!!
I always keep you close right here in my heart. Prayers that this week goes well. Hope the dogs have settled down some by now!!!
Love you much....HUGS.....connie d